Dust Project 514 wrote:After seeing it used and using it myself for a few matches and I already see problems with it.
This problems I have with it have do with how it works.
The impression I have from it is that it is NOT designed as an nuetral device, but as a defensive one. It works most effectively for avoiding and escaping risky situations.
The problems:
1. Activation by first switching to equipment slot is fine, but requiring to remain within the slot for the duration leaves you defenseless against attacks. (not a problem)
2. Does not disable when damaged. I had shot people while they were cloaked just to see them remain cloaked and run away (Showing that it is a defensive device). (not a problem)
3. It is spamable for half of it's total duration. This isn't a big problem, but can be abused by swift attackers. (? anything spammable is a big problem, i.e. tanks, combat rifles, rail rifles, damage mods, armor hardeners, ect)
4. The profile bonus allows players to be invisble to nearly everything, except the naked eye. (not a problem..hence the term "cloak")
5. The duration and recharge time are currently over kill. They last longer than they should and need to.(that's your opinion)
The Impression I HAD was that it would be more effective as a active sneaking device for generally reduced detection travel.
My suggested designs:
1. Activation requires switching to device, but can switch out during duration without deactivation, allowing for active preparation for other actions. (This would create more spam and is ridiculous, do you also think you should be able to shoot your weapon while using your rep tool/nanite injector/remote detonator?)
2. & 3. Should deactivate and force a hard recharge when high active action is performed (attacking, recieving damage, using other equipment), elimination spamming of the cloak. (This would make the point of the cloak null and void and it would go the way of the flaylock pistol and be useless)
4. The Profile bonus should work against Active Scanners and player view detection, BUT should show up on the Tacnet radial (for players that pay attention). (Again, you misunderstand the word "cloak")
5. The duration and recharge should be reduced to 50% for each variant, to avoid prolonged camping and incentive to hide and recharge. This would keep players on the move if they want to get the most out of the cloak. (Not a terrible idea, but again...goes against the idea of "Cloak")
And that's it. This is just my opinion based on several matches of experience.
I was hoping to have matches where I could play as a ghost logistic to avoid fights in between helping teammates. Well actually I can still do that. :P
What do you guys thinks?